Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Well, it looks as if Spring is here for at least the next 2 weeks, i hope it is here for a while and that winter is long gone. It has been such a long winter, at least it feels that way for me, I'm telling you, Spring, I hope you are here to stay.

What have you guys been up to the last two weeks, Probably as much as I have, things have been crazy around here, we run all day and then just fall into bed exhausted, and you know I don't even know what it is that we've been doing. I feel like I have been cleaning house for years and not getting anywhere, It all still looks the same the next morning. Oh and one thing I forgot to mention, is that we sold our house, It was such an answered prayer and I am so very thankful that it has sold, this has been something that has been on my dh and my minds for awhile and was something that we just didn't really know what to do with, so anyways this really sweet young couple comes in the place where my husband works about 2 weeks ago and mentioned that they were looking for a house and my dh mentioned that we were wanting to sell ours, so they said they wanted to come and look, sooooo we spent the next few days cleaning everything up really well and when they came, they said they wanted it, didn't even argue about the price, Isn't it just amazing how God works, we prayed about selling our house, that if it was the Good Lords will for the house to sell that He would work that out and He did, now we just have find some where to live:) But you want me to let you in on something, We ain't worried about that either, because we trusted Him to do what was best with this house, we'll trust Him to find us a new one, No doubts about it, My Lord takes care of me!!

So how about that,

Now, for a little confessing, I have really let down in the bible study department girls and I am so very sorry to you guys, Ya'll know who I'm talking to, We have go to get back into the swing of things and not let this crazy life we live take something so precious away from us, and that goes for everyone out there in blog land, Bible study, I'm talking about opening up the KJV bible, Gods Holy words and reading it, Studying what the Lord has given to us, NOTHING can substitute for the Bible, No other book ever written can take the place or give us anymore help than Gods word can. I believe that with all my heart, now I will say that sometimes other books written by men of God who study and read the true written word of God can offer wonderful insight to the Bible, but nothing can replace it or the study of it, in a Christians life. So to every one out there who, like me, has let that slide for a few days, get back at it, before those fiery darts the devil likes to wing at us, hits us because we've let our defenses down. Can We Do It? Yes We Can!!!

See why I'm glad spring is here, I am going stir crazy sitting in this house, One can only watch so much Bob the Builder, or Fox and the Hound before one really starts to lose touch with reality!!!

I guess I got off on a little rabbit trail, Now back to the topic at hand, Spring!

Today was an absolutely beautiful spring day, The kids and I spent the majority of the day out in the wild blue and green yonder, but you know what I forgot, MY CAMERA!! Now don't that beat all, The creek was up and the kids were having a ball playing in it, My dd was looking so pretty on her pony and my ds#1 was driving the gator all by himself and I didn't get one single picture of it, but Tomorrow we plan on doing it all over again and this time I will be armed, with my camera of course.
So enough of my crazy ramblings for one night, I'll keep ya'll updated on the search for our new home, but for tonight I will leave you with a few pictures I took while still at home today(before we left to go exploring).....

I just threw this one in because I thought it was cute, He was trying to pretend he didn't see me with the camera trying to get a good picture of him. He's so silly;)

The new header picture was taken today, its jsut a few of the Bradford Pear trees that are blooming in my yard. I think that they are just so pretty, but not quite as pretty as the Dogwoods that will be blooming soon:)