As ya'll know from my previous post , this was youth revival week at our church and boy has it been a blessing of a week. We had some of the most wonderful services this week that I could remember. Especially last night, I think everyone was tired and so not ready for the week to end but looking forward to a little rest, (I for one would have loved for it to go on another week.)
Back to the revival, we had a visiting youth group to sing every night along with the youth of our church, and if you have never experienced youth singing together for the glory of the Lord well you don't know what you are missing. Now I love to listen to groups that love God sing and all, but nothing really compares to a group of young people who will stand together in front of a big congregation and sing their hearts out for the Lord and no one else, I mean its not about talent with these guys it is all about heart and their hearts are turned toward heaven.
Not to mention the preaching, straight from the Lord and straight to my heart, I needed to hear the messages God sent my way this week and I hope to look back on them and grow from them for a long time.
My prayer will be that my church, myself and most importantly the young people of my church will take the things they have seen God do this week and run with it, for the glory of the Lord, That they will remember that Its Not About You, or Me or Anyone else, Its All ABOUT HIM!!! When I say run with it I mean, I want to see this revival become something that will continue on in our church from now on and that our youth will grow from it and that the sayings this week that were planted in their hearts and souls will take hold and grow, that they,as well as me,will not grow weary in their growth for the Lord, and that we will allow God to mold us into what He wants us to be.
Whats something you want to see God do in your life, what are some areas that need work, or just plain need cleaning out? Drop me a line and let me know something that I can help you pray about this week, I know that they are several areas in my life that need prayer and I would like for all of you to help me pray that I will be the Sunday School teacher that I need to be and that I would be an example to the many young men and women in my church, that I will be exactly who God wants me to be, that I would wholly and completely place my life in His hands for Him to mold.