Monday, October 6, 2008

Messy Mondays

I woke up this morning and much to my surprise, I found a mess, that was my house in disguise!!!

And I mean that, I woke up this morning and I could not believe that in 2 short days my house could get this messy!!! And really, Tell me how that a family of 5 could have so much dirty laundry, I just don't understand, If I believed in fairies I would say that they must have come in over the weekend and had a party in my house, but I don't, so I guess I'll just have to blame it on my kids,(because it would never be that I took 2 days off from house work, enjoyed the fall weather and refused to come inside to do my housework, no it could not possibly be because of that,) It had to be my kids!! ( how about that for a run on sentence)
Anyways to make a long story short, or a short story long in this instance I am off to Clean. I would rather be riding my horse, but thats another story.

So heres to all us moms out there today that are cleaning house!!! I hope and pray that you all have a, oh, whats the word I'm looking for here, I can't think of it, Its a big word (maybe to big for my brain this Monday morning) anyways like I was saying have a great day:)
p.s. if you can think a word that would fit let me know cause I'll probably be trying to figure it out all day.


Della said...

I'm with you today! Monday's are intended to be my big time cleaning day. I am feeling particularly lazy and trying to get my weekly school planning done before my husband comes home and bullies me off the computer for the night. Really enjoyed helping you wrangle younguns in Sunday School yesterday. You did a great job and I got to work off a few calories that I will probably gain back, as I came home and ate a bunch of Reese's cups to soothe my nerves :) Kidding (about the nerves part, that is. I just love binging on Reese's cups!)

Tricia said...

Happy Cleaning! I cleaned today too, but not as thoroughly as I usually do... this morning as my husband and I prayed before he left for work he asked God to give me some time to relax! Isn't that nice :) So, I cleaned the bathrooms, put stuff out of place back in place, vacuumed, mopped, and am still in the process of washing clothes... but I also took time to sit on the porch and read a book! It was wonderful... I will just wait to dust tomorrow, maybe!


Joy said...

Mondays are my big cleaning days too...guess that is why I really just don't like Mondays! haha just kidding. ALthough I am proud of myself I got my laundry done! I should receive and olympic gold medal for that! Plus I got mopping done and well I haven't done that in a while.