Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Fun, Fun, Fun

Down here in the south we do this thing called rollin yards, you know, you take toilet paper, lots of it, and throw it up into the trees, in an unsuspecting person yard. Its kind of like joke, only it
makes a really big mess. Well this past week my husband and I hosted a wonderful group of young ladies, part of a visiting youth group down from KY. They usually stay with me every year and I would claim each and every one of them as my own if their parents would let me.

Anyways, back to the yard rollin, This year the girls had a big idea to go roll yards so I, being a wonderful role model to them, suggested we go roll my mom and dads yard. Now in all my 30 years I had never been rollin, but my hubby had, so he assisted the girls in their dastardly deed and I got to set back and watch, quietly, cause you know you don't want anyone to know you are there rollin their yard it is supposed to be a big surprise when they wake up in the morning , to make a long story short, we got caught, but thankfully my parents weren't upset they actually thought it was pretty funny and ,boy, they got their yard very very well!!!! I was so proud!!

Here is a pic before we left, the girls are all painted up and ready for their covert operation.
At 12:00am;)

Here they are the next morning, for some reason they look a little tired, I mean they got in the bed rather early, you know about 4:00 am, we got back from rollin @ 1:30am, I don' t know what they could possibly be tired from.

Oh I just had to show this pic, I thought it was so darlin, they're a group of gangsters. And you should here their british accents:) Really these girls are so funny! Check out my young'un I didn't even know she knew how to make those signs HA HA
Now on the serious side, this group of young people know how to have fun, but they also LOVE, the LORD and they are not afraid to share this with the world! I am always blest so very much by they way they sing with all their heart to the Saviour and how they worship Him in open adoration, What a wonderful example they have set for my children. I wish I had a tape of their singing , I have cds from the night the entire group of them sang at the church, but what I am talking about is how they sang to the Lord, to me and to any body else in the van the whole time back and forth to church. I was honored to get to be a part of their lives once again during their brief trip to TN and I hope and pray that they remember much more about me than just the part about me taking them yard rollin for the very first time. I hope that I let my light shine for the Lord just as bright for them as they did for me.

Teenagers are just the most fun, I just love their excuberance for life! Sometimes I would much rather be around a group of young'uns than a group of grown ups:)

1 comment:

Della said...

Young people are the absolute future of the church. When they get on fire for the Lord and excited about their salvation, great things happen. I go around and look at young people today, and sometimes, it's depressing. It is indeed a rare thing overall in this world to find young teens on fire for God. They are searching for something and the Devil's always got something out there to offer them, and I'm afraid we as the church don't present them with another option, you know? God bless you for mentoring the next generation!