Friday, July 11, 2008

Funny Friday

Today I am packing up my family for our trip to the beach next week and things around here are pretty chaotic at times. So I thought I would lighten things up a little with a few funny things my children, neices and nephews have said or done.

Out of the Mouths of babes.....

"Mom, does the bible say if he buggeth you, you CAN buggeth him!!!"
dear daughter at age 5

Sunday School Prayer Request " pray for my nana, she had a heart attack, but it didn't killer."
when asked what happened, He replied, "when Emmy fell off her pony my nana said she liked to had a heart attack" nephew Bry age 4

My neice Emmy told her pa, whom she had never seen ride a horse, but who can ride, as he was saddling up a horse to go round up a wild cow " Boy we gonna see a rodeo now, Pa I love you, but you gonna die, cause that horse is gonna kill you!!" Niece Emmy age 4

"Mom, don't the bible say that if you believe in Jesus and love Him that you will have everlasting life" "Yes ",I answered, " it sure does." "Well, she said, than I guess Papa must love Jesus cause he sure has lasted forever." ( he is 81 years old) dear daughter age 8

I hope that these little words have made you smile today, they sure have made me laugh in the mist of my chaos. I would love to hear from you about the funny things your kids have said. Have a great day .


Leanne said...

That was so funny, kids are hilarious! Have a great time at the beach!

Leanne said...

One thing Cam has said that was pretty funny was " I know why people want to smoke cigarettes, so their teeth can fall out and the tooth fairy can bring them money!" I guess that made perfect sense to him at age 5.