Friday, November 21, 2008


It is sooooo cold here in my little corner of the world. I don't know if I ever told you guys this but I really don't like the cold, As a matter of fact I can't stand the cold. So here's my favorite thing in the whole wide world to do when it gets to cold to go outside, after all the kids are snug and warm in their beds or not, sometimes I let them join me in my little cold weather ritual.

First I go and put on my warmest worn out pair of jogging pants, my favorite t-shirt, and an extra big sweatshirt, and thick socks and then I pick out a book, a really good book it might even be one I have read before, an old favorite, or maybe a new one that I just found at the book store, which ever way it will most definitely be good, after that I go and find my favorite mug, its a blue and gray little pottery mug, I am going to fill it up with wonderful hot chocolate and marshmallows( Ya'll thought I was going to say coffee, but actually I don't like coffee, I really don't, I know its just wrong not to like it but please don't hate me for it), Then I will settle down on the couch or in my recliner with this really thick, soft , blanket, get all snug and warm, and relax and read. Nothing Better!!

To me, there is no better way to spend the winter months. I miss my horses and riding and gardening and just being outside all the time like I am in the warm months, ( and I do still get to ride some and I have to feed every day, so missing my horses ain't all that bad, I just don't get to spend as much time with them as I like, I guess that's what I miss about them) I was rambling again sorry, Anyways as I was saying, I miss all those things but I do enjoy the rest that winter brings.

So how do you enjoy the cold winter weather, Drop me a line and let me know, But for now I am going to get my book, blanket, hot steaming cup of rich chocolate and snuggle up next to my hubby on the couch and read, Its to darn cold to do anything else.

Picture was taken last year about this time by my dh.


Della said...

I like to pass the cold days staving off seasonal depression since it gets dark here at , like 4:00. I miss nature walks and picnics. I like to curl up in my recliner with some coffee in my special mug and knit while I try to ignore my little rowdy hooligans... Winters in our neck of the woods can be beautiful, but I'm like you, I can appreciate them better from the inside! Have a great weekend!

emilily23 said...

Hummmm.. i like to get hot chocolate and (we have our tree up all winter)so i go in the living room and watch christmas movies.. and i sleep but i also like to decorate my room and do something to keep me occupied to but i dont read i just cant get the focused when im out of school lol ha ha =)

Unknown said...

I also love curling up in warm clothes with a soft throw, hot cup of something sweet and a good read. Or without the book and just nice christmas music playing and just staring into space, lookign at christmas lights or decorations, flipping through magazines....

emilily23 said...

AND my mom loves to read in the winter. and every other time of the year